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Why Is My Gerbil Making Weird Noises?

Gerbils can be very chatty animals. The noises they make can sound weird to us because naturally, we don’t speak the same language! 

However, it is important to understand what gerbil weird noises mean. Understanding the reasons they are making noises is important to keep them happy and healthy.

In this article, we’ll discuss what noises your gerbil might make and what it means as well as how you should react to the noises.

Why Is My Gerbil Making Weird Noises?

There are lots of reasons why your gerbil is making weird noises. Your pet could be happy, bored, ill, or communicating with other gerbils. Gerbil sounds are a way of communicating amongst each other, to us and some indicate they are unwell.

What Noises Do Gerbils Make?

Gerbils can make a lot of different noises including chirps, clicks, yips, squeaks, thumping, and vibration. Each one of these sounds serves a specific purpose. 

A gerbil making noises is normal and should be expected.


Chirping is a high-pitched sound that gerbils produce to communicate amongst themselves. They use this sound in different situations, that is when excited, playing, during stress or pain, fighting, or when trying to locate each other.

Baby gerbils also communicate by chirping. If you have baby gerbils, they could call for their mother with high-pitched chirps. They do this to get their mother to pay attention to them and shouldn’t be a cause for alarm. 

As your gerbils get older, the chirping sound will quiet down.

The frequency and length of the sound depends on the situation a gerbil produces it. It can be one short chip or a series of it.


A clicking noise can be when a gerbil breathes. If you hear your gerbil making this clicking noise, it could mean that it is ill. If there are other symptoms, then you should try to take your gerbil to the vet.

Clicking noise is a sign that something is wrong with your gerbil that needs medical attention. 


If your gerbil is making a squeaking noise, especially if it is urgent-sounding, it could be alerting other gerbils that there’s some sort of danger or could be under attack from other gerbils. 

Causes for danger could be:

  • A reaction to other gerbils.
  • You caught it off guard.
  • Another pet making noise.
  • Potentially anything moving around quickly.
  • You are holding it too tightly.
  • They are not feeling well.

If your gerbils are living together and have started showing aggressive behavior toward each other, separate them.

Aggressive squeaking at each other indicates the gerbils are not happy with each other and are about to fight.

If your gerbil is behaving aggressively towards you and squeaking when you try to pick them up, you can change how you try to pick your pet up and how you handle it. 

You should always be calm and gentle when picking up your pet.


When you play with your gerbil, it may make an excited yip. This generally means that your gerbil is happy to see and play with you. 

The gerbil may jump as it yips to show its excitement.


Sometimes gerbils will make a thumping noise. This is when they pound both of their back feet on the floor at the same time. 

If your gerbil is making a thumping noise, it could be alerting other gerbils that there’s some sort of danger or a sexual display. It can be mimicked by other gerbils and can create a loud sound.


Your gerbil could also make a vibrating sound that is similar to a cat’s purr. You are likely to feel it before you hear it when you hold your gerbil in your hand. 

This means your gerbil is feeling safe and is content with you.

Final Thoughts

Gerbils use various noises to communicate to us and also among themselves. A gerbil making weird noises is therefore normal and as a gerbil owner, you have to take time to understand what your gerbil is communicating.

Knowing what sounds your gerbil is making can help you better understand your pet. This allows you to better understand their actions to help your pet when needed and care for them to lead a healthy life.


Natural gerbil behaviour

Understanding your gerbil